Calibrating scales
Teo Calibration Laboratory calibrates tensile and compressive scales from 0-120 tons. Larger weights on request.
That means comparing an object with a more accurate reference instrument so that the object’s accuracy can be determined. A calibration certificate is then issued, showing the deviation at various loads.
The Calibration machine is designed by Teo Teknikk. It uses the leverage effect and a movable weight to generate forces with high accuracy and repeatability. The machine is currently being automated, and this will increase capacity considerably.
- Stretch scales from 0-120 tons.
- Compression / pressure scales from 0-100 tons.
- Wire Pull Gauges / Running line monitors from 0-120 tons.
- Calibration of torque.
- Fast delivery.
- Adjustments and repairs are carried out by experienced personnel.
- Instrument with mA, V or mV / V output can also be calibrated.
- Strekkvekter fra 0 – 120 tonn.
- Kompresjons/trykkvekter fra 0 – 100 tonn.
- Wirestrekkmålere/Running line monitors fra 0 – 120 tonn.
- Kalibrering av vridningsmoment.
- Rask leveringstid.
- Justeringer og reparasjoner utføres av erfarent personell.
- Instrument med mA, V eller mV/V-signal kan også kalibreres.